Monday, 30 January 2012

A special visit at a Botanical Garden in Malta

Sandarac Gum Tree

Landscaping with brassicas and herbs

Hey Merill fans,

Hope you're all doing great and in good health. After a long rainy day in Malta, here I am enjoying some warm honey and lemon. Being a nature lover, I have always been fascinated about gardens and make it a point to visit one, in every country I go to. The good news for those who share my same passion, is that even  in Malta we have botanical gardens. They might not be as big as those found abroad, but they are still a showcase of Mediterranean biodiversity. 

Having said that, this morning's heavy showers, did not discourage my horticulture students to visit one of Malta's largest botanical gardens. Equipped with raincoats and umbrellas, off we went to enjoy the marvellous world of botany. Since I have been teaching Plant and Soil science on a part time basis, at the MCAST Agribusiness Institute, I needed to show my students that the plant adaptations we learn from books really exists.

Some of the students commented about the height of some trees, while others commented about species they had never encountered. The variety of the species and layout of the garden are indeed features we Maltese should be proud of. 

After exploring the garden we all agreed, it was a nice experience to go out and have some fresh air, even though the weather was not favourable. A warm snack and drink ended this study visit and with it this scholastic term. 

I wish all the best to my students, who were always patient and supportive during lectures, even when topics were not so exciting. Agriculture still remains my favourite topic, and this is where Merill Eco Tours started from after all ;) 


Dégustation d’huile d’olive

L’huile d’olive est certainement l’un des produits les plus raffiné de la région Méditerranéenne. La culture de l’olive et de l’huile d’olive sont profondément enracinées à Malte. Au cours de cette expérience vous aurez l’opportunité de visiter un champ d’olivier et de profiter de la beauté des paysages de la région  ainsi que d’apprécier le goût de l’huile d’olive extra vierge avec un pain croustillant maltais.

Dans une ambiance conviviale, vous serez accueilli par un fermier expert dans le domaine. Il vous fournira des explications sur le mode de culture et sur le processus de fabrication de l'huile d’olive. Ces explications seront détaillées, ludiques et interactives. Cette expérience unique pourra être suivie d’une collation et d’un rafraîchissement accompagnés de biscuits locaux fraîchement cuits.

Si vous souhaitez de plus amples renseignements sur Merill Eco Tours, rendez-vous sur notre site ou écrivez nous à notre adresse internet à 

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Sunday, 29 January 2012

The Maltese Vine and Wine Experience

If you are interested in everything that has to do with wine, then this is your ideal experience in Malta. This is not like any other wine tasting experience. At Merill Eco Tours we work closely with real farmers who are dedicated to produce high quality food and beverage products for consumers. This is why we included a visit at a vinyard where vines are meticulously taken care of, to produce excellent grapes. During this experience, you will be able to learn about the cultivation of vines, such as pruning, grafting and sustainable water and fertiliser use. Then, you will have the opportunity to taste a variety of local wines produced by a leading Wine Producer Organisation. Other delicacies such as genuine cheeselets will enhance this experience. The fresh air and countryside views will make this experience a relaxing one to all those wine lovers who want to discover the real Malta.

To view other related experiences such as olive oil tasting, click here! For more information send us an email on 

Friday, 27 January 2012

L'écotourisme à Malte

L’écotourisme est au cœur de l’actualité et représente un secteur d’activité en pleine croissance. Les touristes sont de plus en plus nombreux à être intéressés par un tourisme alternatif et les éco-tours répondent ainsi à cette demande.

Notre entreprise, Mérill Eco Tours, est le seul tour opérateur Maltais spécialisé dans l’écotourisme. Nous organisons de nombreuses excursions avec une grande gamme de thématiques autour de la nature et des hommes. Nous proposons un tourisme participatif où locaux et touristes partagent passion et savoir-faire. Loin des sites touristiques traditionnels, nos excursions constituent une expérience unique et inoubliable.

Fort de notre succès, notre concept a su attirer une large clientèle locale et internationale. Vous pouvez consulter sur le site Tripadviser, les commentaires laissés par nos clients.

 De plus, la fréquentation de notre site internet est en constante augmentation.

Si vous êtes intéressés par nos excursions écrivez nous à notre adresse internet à 

Aimez notre page Facebook  et suivez-nous sur Twitter 

Tuesday, 24 January 2012

Vivez un rêve éveillé en explorant la Grotte Bleue

Grotte de Wied iz-Zurieq                                                   Photo de Sophie
Direction Wied iz-Zurrieq un petit village de pêcheur situé au sud de  Malte.

Surplombant la mer depuis le haut de la falaise, un panorama incroyable s’offre à vous. Un paysage côtier marqué par des falaises escarpées reflète la nature sauvage de cet endroit

En longeant la ruelle qui vous emmène au port, vous découvrirez un petit village  très animé grâce à ses restaurants, ses boutiques et son ambiance conviviale. Depuis la terrasse en pierre, ne manquez pas d’observer la mer méditerranée et son eau azur.

Port de Wied iz-Zurrieq                                                       Photo de Let2
Afin de profiter pleinement de l’exploration des grottes, un dédale de marches vous amènera jusqu’à l’embarcadère. La visite des grottes se fait de préférence le matin lorsque la mer est calme et quand la lumière du soleil éclaire suffisamment la flore sous-marine. A bord d’une barque vous profiterez de la nature sauvage qu’offre l’archipel Maltais. Le ciel azur se reflète sur la mer et un dégradé de bleu se dessine au fur à mesure de votre avancée. Du bleu roi au bleu azur, ces couleurs vous transportent au cœur d’un univers dont le seul but est de vous éblouir. L’exploration de la Grotte bleue est une expérience unique et surprenante. 

Si vous êtes à la recherche  d'un voyage authentique au sein de l'archipel Maltais, Merill Eco Tours vous fera vivre une expérience unique et inoubliable. Nous proposons un Tourisme participatif où locaux et touristes partagent passion et savoir-faire.   

Si vous souhaitez de plus amples renseignements sur Merill Eco Tours, rendez-vous sur notre site internet  ou écrivez nous à notre adresse internet à 

Suivez-nous sur Facebook  et sur Twitter 

Thursday, 19 January 2012

Bakery turned into a unique tourism attraction in Malta

Hey Merill Fans!

We're proud to be the first to launch the official promo of the artisan bakery now open in Valletta. Mr. Carmelo Debono, also known as Nenu, had been dreaming about this project for many years. His main concern was that the knowledge about traditional local bread and recipes was being lost over time. The old bakery that suited this project, was in ruins when Nenu stepped into it for the first time. No one thought that it would have been converted into such an attraction three years later. 
The stone oven is now fully functional, and is complemented with a cosy restaurant, museum, and a state of the art kitchen to support the Head Chef Joseph Magri and his team. The menu has been carefully designed to ensure that all the ftiras would bring about a fantastic culinary experience to all those who experience it.  

The Hon. Minister Mario De Marco officially inaugurated the venue today, together with his Excellency Fra. Paul Cremona OP. The Ministers speech, outlined the importance of sustainable tourism and the pride all the Maltese people have towards bread, mostly Il-Hobza Maltija. Dr. De Marco also mentioned the importance of EU funding, since projects can be tailor made to Malta's specific needs. 

Anyone who feels like a quick snack, lunch or dinner, can walk to "Nenu the Artisan Baker", and order one of the Ftiras full of delicious local ingredients. While the ftira is being baked, one can enjoy a video relating the history of Maltese bread and Nenu's career in baking. Furthermore, an interactive experience can also be booked for groups who wish to enjoy the actual making of the ftira!

For enquiries about the "Ftira Interactive Experience", drop us a line on   

Tuesday, 17 January 2012

A la découverte de Dingli

Dingli Cliffs
Situé à l’ouest de Malte, Dingli est un petit village au charme certain. Sa quiétude et la beauté qui l’entoure font de cette ville une destination idéale pour tous les amoureux de la nature. On flânera avec plaisir dans les ruelles jusqu’à la majestueuse église paroissiale de saint Marie qui domine l’horizon.

La balade se poursuit le long de la route côtière et offre une vue saisissante sur l’océan. En s’aventurant vers les terres agricoles qui longent la côte, on sera frappé par la beauté de ces paysages naturels qui s’offrent à nous. Les imposantes falaises de Dingli ne peuvent nous laisser indifférent. Notre regard se plonge vers le rivage nous laissant sans voix face à cette beauté inégalable.

Chemin qui mène aux falaises
La douce chaleur du soleil accompagnée de mets Maltais seront les bienvenus pour clore en beauté cette journée.

Malte est un pays étonnant et possède de nombreux trésors à découvrir tout au long de l’année.  

Si vous souhaitez de plus amples renseignements sur Merill Eco Tours, rendez-vous sur notre site internet ou écrivez nous à notre adresse internet à 

Suivez-nous sur Facebook et sur Twitter

Thursday, 12 January 2012

First licensed ecotourism venture in Malta is one year old

Here we are, proud to celebrate our first anniversary!

Today was sunny and cloudless, unlike a year ago, when it was raining cats and dogs at 9am, as guests where arriving in Buskett for the inauguration of Merill Eco Tours. Must have been a sign of good luck :) Dr. Mario de Marco, who was recently appointed Minister for Tourism and Culture, officially inaugurated the enterprise.

We are constantly improving and creating new packages that are in demand in an ever changing tourism industry. Many still view Malta as an island where summer is the only time to go on holiday. However, with all the attractions available on the island, and the many activities one can do, it is surely not the case. The eco element in Malta is pronounced especially in rural villages where agriculture is still alive. This is why we continuously build new opportunities with more farmers, to ensure the livelihood of our countryside. For more details about eco tours and activities, send us an email on or visit our website.

For more real time information, "like" our Facebook fan page and join other fans.

A big thank you goes to all those who have supported us during the past year!

Jeanette and Christian

Saturday, 7 January 2012

Winter in Malta!

Bugibba promenade

Strawberries about to get ripe 

Strong winds, heavy rain, have characterised this week's weather in the Maltese Islands. The landscape has turned into one big patch of green over the past few weeks. We are now eagerly waiting for strawberries to get ripe, to start off strawberry picking activities. Harvesting cherry tomatoes is an excellent alternative at this time of the year. 

For more information about eco tours and activities, send us an email on

Have a great weekend


Wednesday, 4 January 2012

Andare a Malta...che c'e di bello?

Wardija - foto di Jeffrey Sciberras

Piatto tipico - Foto di Jeanette Borg

Olio Extra vergine di Malta e pane - foto di Jeanette Borg

Pastizzi con te e caffe serviti in tazze - foto di Jeanette Borg

Alveare antichissimo - Foto di Mark Cassar

Cari amici Italiani, questo e il nostro primo articolo blog in itialiano! Di solito scriviamo in inglese ma oggi ci siamo messi in contatto per caso con il personale che amministra la pagina su Facebook "Andare a Malta" e abbiamo pensato che il nostro blog puo essere molto utile a gli italiani che cercano informazzione su Malta. "Andare a Malta" promuove Malta ed e parte della campania promozzionale di, il sito ufficale del turismo Maltese.

Che c'e di bello a Malta? Diciamo che c'e un po di tutto. Storia, cultura, natura e tanto altro. Le foto di questo articolo ci immergono in un fitto bosco. Si...a Malta ci sono anche i bosci! Sono piccoli ma ci sono :) Poi c'e anche il cibo ottimo. Da noi si puo assaggiare tutti i prodotti tipici direttamente dagli agricoltori. I zoni rurali sono una chicca del nostro patrimonio.

Poi si deve per forza visitare la Valletta e Mdina. Due villaggi mannifici dove la storia ci porta in un tempo remoto di battaglie e nobilta. Le chiese, i monumenti e le strade antiche creano un atmosfera magica, di giorno e di notte.

Visitate il nostro sito web per vedere altre cose interessanti di Malta, o mandateci una email su Saremo piu che felici di autarvi a scegliere un eco tour ideale!

Pagina di Facebook: Andare a Malta

Tuesday, 3 January 2012

Experience the real Malta and Gozo with us!

Hawn tal-Pastizzi shan u tajbin!

Tourists visiting underground cave

Olive oil tasting with crispy Maltese bread

Guests take olive oil as tokens from Malta

Stick to the footpath :)

Clay slopes and Qarraba Plateau

Strawberry picking

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